Mar 27

Cambridge Certifications - KET

With great joy our students in 7th Grades received their Key English Test (KET) diplomas from the University of Cambridge. At SIL we know about the importance of bilingual education, and this is the reason why this cornerstone of our education is strengthened by renowned international exams. Let us all together stimulate learning languages!
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Mar 24

Fourth Grade students attended a concert

On March 23rd, our Fourth Grade students attended a concert organized by the Symphonic Orchestra of the National Congress called "Music and Children" which took place in the library building of the National Congress. The students enjoyed the musical tale "Peter and the Wolf", written by Sergei Prokofiev, who managed to relate each character of the story with the most appropriate sound of some of the instruments of the orchestra.
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Mar 20

Cambridge Certificates –YLE Movers Level

After achieving an excellent performance in their English proficiency exams, our Fourth Grade students received their Young Learners English - Movers Level Certificates from the University of Cambridge. Congratulations to all of them and let´s continue to support our children in the acquisition of this important language! The International ESOL Examinations of the University of Cambridge assess the knowledge of English in non-native students, taking into account the four linguistic skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. They are applied in our school by University Cambridge professionals at the end of each academic cycle.
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Mar 13

First General Assembly

Due to our first general assembly and following the tradition, our 1º grade students received a beautiful San Ignacio de Loyola medal. This welcoming symbol was given by the Senior students and proclaims on them a great academic life. It was a very important moment!!!
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Mar 9

OMAPA Tutorials Begin

Our students have already started the tutorials for the National Mathematics Olympiad. We wish them strength and success!
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