Mar 24

Cambridge Certifications - KET and PET

With great joy our students in 7th Grades and 1st Courses also received respectively their Key English Test (KET) and Preliminary English Test (PET) diplomas from the University of Cambridge. At SIL we know about the importance of bilingual education, and this is the reason why this cornerstone of our education is strengthened by renowned international exams. Let us all together stimulate learning languages!
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Mar 19

International university visits

Our students of the 3rd courses are already thinking about the colleges and careers that they will select for their college studies and here at SIL we are committed to help them make this important decision. For this reason, our students participated in two talks with foreign universities, the Broward College from the US that has an agreement with the USIL of Paraguay, and the IE University of Spain. These are just some of the top international and national visits that our students will receive during the year and we hope to help them in choosing their future endeavors.
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Mar 10

Cambridge Certificates –YLE Movers Level

After achieving an excellent performance in their English proficiency exams, our Fourth Grade students received their Young Learners English - Movers Level Certificates from the University of Cambridge. Congratulations to all of them and let´s continue to support our children in the acquisition of this important language!
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Mar 2

Inauguration - CESIL 2015

In a solemn act performed during the General Assembly, the representatives of the SIL Students Center (CESIL), made the commitment oath before the pupils. The CESIL is a space of participation and dialogue in which the students assume the duty of promoting the fortification of the principles of comradeship, understanding and cooperation, by means of the organization of diverse events in which the members of the school community participate. Experiences like this fortify one of the fundamental pillars of the SIL, education in Leadership and Entrepreneurship. Success CESIL 2015!
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