Nov 27

Act in the Paraguayan Academy of History

In the "VI Student Academies of History Day ", organized by the Paraguayan Academy of History, our students Patricia Paez and Ma. Sol Quiróz, presented interesting researches that they developed during scholar year in the AHSIL, advised by Teachers Anahí Soto and Paola Mineur, with the support of the Educational Coordinator, Adriana Lovera. Patricia presented: "Origins and evolution of the distribution of land in Paraguay" and was highly praised for selecting a very complex and current problematic. Meanwhile, Ma Sol presented: "Don Cayo Mendoza Rivas: the Chaco War in the ink of mita'i" an emotional compilation of the testimony of a veteran of the Chaco War. We encourage all students, members of the AHSIL, to continue researching and learning together about our beloved Paraguay.

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